Yesterday, I wrote on what to look for in a man that you want to spend the rest of your life with. Many of you requested that I should write on what to look for in a woman and I will do that. But before we do that, maybe tomorrow lets conclude on things to watch out for in a man.
6. Look for physical attraction
Now, some really spiritual people will say that physical attraction does not matter. But, I am telling you it matters a lot. I know marriage is spiritual. I know it is made in heaven, but it is lived on earth! God instituted it, but it is lived and expressed by a man and a woman! I know you are spirit beings, but you live in a body. When somebody sees you, what he sees is the body and not the spirit. It os God that looks inward, man looks outward. Make sure you are married to man who is physically attracted to you. Of course, beyond that, you have to like the person beyond physical attraction, because people change over time. Your full-haired man at wedding might end up a bald-headed man by mid age. Your six-pack hunk of a man might end up a flabby pot-bellied chief along the way if he does not watch his weight. So, it is important to love the man beyond physical attraction, but it is still important he is physically attracted to you.
7. Look for a man that loves his parents and siblings
It is important you watch out for true love and care. One of the ways you know that right away is his disposition to his parents and siblings. If he is at loggerheads with his father, mother, brothers, sisters, uncles, and more family folk, that is trouble brewing! Press the Pause button and investigate further to be sure you won’t be added to his list of “people that don’t understand me!”
8. Look for a responsible man
It is important that he is responsible. Notice, I didn’t say he has to be rich. They are two different things. Some of the richest men are the most irresponsible men I have seen. He begins to show signs of irresponsibility if he never buys anything for you while he keeps demanding from you. You know what, when you love a lady, you would want to just buy her a few things, not necessarily expensive, because some may not be truly financially buoyant. Even at that, he would make attempts to buy little things, even if it just a wrap of chocolate. I do have a problem with guys who will never attempt to do anything, who will never call with excuse of no airtime and will unabashedly say things like, “if you want me to call you, send me airtime!” That’s irresponsibility! When you know you wont be making the calls, why go and propose? You have to call, brother, for without communication, there is no relationship. The reason you are not lifting a finger and not calling is not because there is no money, it is just a mindset, and by the time you have the money, it would still be the same and you will be “forming” busy! I hope all the men on KHC are still my friends? Don’t worry; I am coming for the womenfolk tomorrow! Lol
9. Look for intellectual compatibility
Another thing to look for is intellectual compatibility. You don’t want to marry a man just because he is rich in pocket but very poor intellectually. The eventuality is that you will look for intellectual companionship outside your matrimonial home which will eventually lead to affairs! It is good when you can intelligently challenge each other within the parameters of your cognitive abilities.
10. Look for a sincere man
Finally, look for a man that is sincere. This is one of the most important and strong points you should watch out for. There is nothing as golden as having a sincere husband. Your heart will be rested. You won’t have to live in suspicion. By the time somebody is winking at him or he is winking at somebody, he would have told you. The truth is that the power of adulterous trap is broken when you verbalise it to your spouse. Sin is perpetuated in the atmosphere of secrecy! When a man is insincere, it can really be unfortunate for the wife and the children. It is like breeding a family of liars. Eventually, if the wife is not spiritually sound, she would learn his ways and they will all swim in the waters of deception and consequently betrayals!
I pray that God will help you to choose right in Jesus name!
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